Who we are

Ikamar is a Sevillian company that has been dedicated to the import-export and distribution of frozen fish and seafood for more than 20 years.

We specialize in the importation of products such as squid, octopus, cuttlefish, prawns, and sole. Additionally, we complement our catalog with other items like scarlet shrimp and prawns.

We work in the best and most prestigious fishing grounds for the high quality of their raw materials such as Spain, Morocco, France, Senegal and Mauritania.


Our relationships with suppliers and customers are based on openness and transparency.
We always seek the common good, making our relationships with both agents last over time.
We are trading partners, so there must be feedback between the parties and growth and development must be equitable.
Personal relationships with the two pillars, customers and suppliers, are of vital importance to IKAMAR.


We work with the best raw materials and control the products from their origin, either from the moment they arrive on the beaches or from the moment they are unloaded from the ships at the port.
In addition, we supervise the factories that manufacture our products, implementing our know-how.


Price fluctuations in the fishing grounds where we live are very aggressive, causing heavy losses and sometimes irreversible damage to companies. In Ikamar we are aware of this difficulty and therefore its team is highly qualified and informed to be able to advise and accompany its business partners during this long journey, enhancing its stock in times of investment and reducing it in times of turbulence.
For all these reasons, Ikamar has reached this port and has grown year after year to become one of the leading companies in the sector.

Our most outstanding products